Missouri Certification

Certification Progress Plan
To receive credit for any session attended for Spring Institute, Regionals or MML you must complete the Flexiquiz and receive a passing grade on the 10 question quiz provided at the conclusion of the session. This applies also to those who have received all certification levels and are just logging their hours of attendance.

Documents for Download:

2023 Certification Program Information

2023 MRCC Application

2023 MPCC Application

           For online or invoicing of application fees click here.

Certification Table (Since 2012 and Forward)


Chair 2023-2024:
Melissa Mattson,  City of Albany, [email protected]


JoAnn Cova, Maryland Heights, [email protected]

Gayle Conrad, Cape Girardeau, [email protected]

Renee Kingston, Camdenton, [email protected]

Beth Anne West, Battlefield, [email protected]

What are the levels of Missouri Certification?

  • Missouri Registered City Clerk (MRCC)
  • Missouri Professional City Clerk (MPCC)